5.5 reasons NOT to Use Intelligent Automation to Optimize Your Business

5.5 reasons NOT to Use Intelligent Automation to Optimize Your Business

Tools & Frameworks

1000+ artificial intelligence tools will fix your business. Not likely.

You are sure a new AI tool comes out every day that will change everything. One of these AI tools has to work for your business. Right!?

Keeping pace with technology is an essential aspect of business growth. You could fall behind. But technology is the least of your worries if you need more focus on what matters most.

It is common for business owners to look to streamline their operations. As the sole owner of a small business, it can be overwhelming to manage everything alone. A quick solution that turns into a common pitfall when you are busy is to throw technology at the problem. Following this strategy is sure to result in costly failed tech implementations. Implementing technology with preparation may lead to more challenging business process issues.

I've been on both sides of this situation. As a tech executive, I've helped leaders make decisions to reduce the pain of being unprepared. As a business leader, I've made mistakes using technology before my process was stable. There are a few primary considerations that will help you avoid the trap.

Intelligent automation will not fix your business processes.

We are going to dive into the following land mines to avoid:

  • Business processes are not documented
  • Not following a standard or repeatable process
  • The current process has not proven to be valuable
  • I can't say where technology is needed most
  • Unable to afford the technology solutions

Most tech investments aim to solve critical business challenges. The goal is to deliver more value by using technology. Most projects fail to deliver because the focus is on the tech rather than people and how work gets done.

To avoid this trap in your business, let’s dive into a better approach to investing in technology.

You will be more likely to succeed with technology if you spend enough time planning.

Let’s get into how step by step:

Mistake 01: Your business processes are not documented

Having a system in place to run your business is helpful to ensure a level of consistency. As a solo business owner, it may feel like you don’t need to document your steps in the process. This is a mistake.


Following a set process is the foundation to enable technology in the future.

In every area of your business, you will find best practices that are repeatable and already available. Starting with best-of-breed templates and frameworks will jumpstart your documentation process.

Before engaging in a technical solution, document your steps on critical tasks. When you take this step, you create an asset that can be enhanced and shared. You can improve your process from this initial baseline document from here forward.

Mistake 02: You are not following a standard or repeatable process

Let’s assume that you have a process documented. When you execute the steps every day or week, you don’t strictly follow that process. Your documented process was a point-in-time snapshot and does not represent what you do.


If this is the case, the process you documented is dated and, at this point, useful only as a starting point.

You will need to repeat the documentation process for the key steps.

Once completed, you should ensure that you follow these documented steps. Do so each day that work is conducted.

On a weekly and monthly basis, audit your key steps against what has been documented. Make adjustments and enhancements along the way.

Mistake 03: Your current process hasn't proven valuable yet

You’ve got your documented process. You are also following it repeatedly without fail. Excellent work!

Are you making money?

Are you growing your following?

Is the process producing the results you intended?

If the answer is no, this is no time for technology automation. It’s time to pivot toward the goal of growing your business.


Focus on the changes you need to grow your business.

You may need to:

  • Speak to customers and listen
  • Use analytics to pinpoint challenges
  • Ensure that you are solving the right problem
  • Build a more substantial offer for your lead magnets or service
  • Review the hooks in your content to ensure they are effective

These are examples. The point here is to focus on your business.

Technology automation becomes essential once you are having success in your process.

Mistake 04: You can't say where you need the most help from technology automation

A common misstep when implementing a tech solution is understanding your needs. You should know which areas of your business process would benefit from automation.

Intelligent automation has matured significantly over the years. Advancements have been made that have incorporated several features. Examples are machine learning, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, vision systems, and integrations with other tools.

A few years ago, a business leader would focus on stable business processes to automate. In 2023, intelligent automation can handle complex tasks and live conversations with humans. The automation tech may require a "human-in-the-loop" when help is needed, but the sky is the limit.


Make time to understand the tech you are interested in before solving the problem. There are a myriad of directions that you can take as a business owner. Take the time to learn. Start on one area of your business.

The last step to consider is whether to use automation at all. Human interaction is an essential element in relationship building in business. Consider human interactions as a strategic benefit in your business processes.

Refrain from crushing your success with a robot if the process requires a human touch.

Mistake 05: You don't have the budget to deploy an automated system

I'm proud that you've made it this far. You are ready to deploy the best that technology has to offer. You will automate the right business processes for efficient growth.

As you step into the process of deploying the technology, remember that there is a cost.

There is a financial cost or time commitment to:

  • Setup the automation tool
  • Configure the tool for your unique process(es)
  • Conduct the monthly routines
  • Monitor the exceptions
  • Update the automation as changes are needed
  • Integrate with other tools in your tech stack

Were you ready for this?


The easiest option is to wait until it's possible.

Consider the triggers for your business that will hint when the time is right to invest. When the triggers show up, you can add the efficiency of intelligent automation.

Extra Mistake .5: You are afraid of missing out

ChatGPT and tech automation ain't going nowhere!

You are not missing out on the latest trends if it is not the right time to jump in. Give yourself and your business time to be ready for the tech.

In the meantime, explore tools and functionality you find exciting with personal projects.

Automate your routine at home with monthly budget tracking. Implement a new system for home automation. There are a ton of ways to learn without impacting your business operations.

Pro tip: Join communities to learn from other business owners. They can share their experiences with tech automation.

Your Homework: Do a self-assessment with these questions to determine your readiness. Where did you land?


  • If your business processes are not documented — or
  • If you are not following a standard or repeatable process — or
  • Your current process has not proven to be valuable — or
  • You can't say where technology is needed most — and/or
  • You cannot pay for or give time to the technology solution; wait to implement automation.

Next Steps: We will dive into the making of the Nick Sims brand and how to establish your visual brand

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5.5 reasons NOT to Use Intelligent Automation to Optimize Your Business

5.5 reasons NOT to Use Intelligent Automation to Optimize Your Business

Tools & Frameworks

1000+ artificial intelligence tools will fix your business. Not likely.

You are sure a new AI tool comes out every day that will change everything. One of these AI tools has to work for your business. Right!?

Keeping pace with technology is an essential aspect of business growth. You could fall behind. But technology is the least of your worries if you need more focus on what matters most.

It is common for business owners to look to streamline their operations. As the sole owner of a small business, it can be overwhelming to manage everything alone. A quick solution that turns into a common pitfall when you are busy is to throw technology at the problem. Following this strategy is sure to result in costly failed tech implementations. Implementing technology with preparation may lead to more challenging business process issues.

I've been on both sides of this situation. As a tech executive, I've helped leaders make decisions to reduce the pain of being unprepared. As a business leader, I've made mistakes using technology before my process was stable. There are a few primary considerations that will help you avoid the trap.

Intelligent automation will not fix your business processes.

We are going to dive into the following land mines to avoid:

  • Business processes are not documented
  • Not following a standard or repeatable process
  • The current process has not proven to be valuable
  • I can't say where technology is needed most
  • Unable to afford the technology solutions

Most tech investments aim to solve critical business challenges. The goal is to deliver more value by using technology. Most projects fail to deliver because the focus is on the tech rather than people and how work gets done.

To avoid this trap in your business, let’s dive into a better approach to investing in technology.

You will be more likely to succeed with technology if you spend enough time planning.

Let’s get into how step by step:

Mistake 01: Your business processes are not documented

Having a system in place to run your business is helpful to ensure a level of consistency. As a solo business owner, it may feel like you don’t need to document your steps in the process. This is a mistake.


Following a set process is the foundation to enable technology in the future.

In every area of your business, you will find best practices that are repeatable and already available. Starting with best-of-breed templates and frameworks will jumpstart your documentation process.

Before engaging in a technical solution, document your steps on critical tasks. When you take this step, you create an asset that can be enhanced and shared. You can improve your process from this initial baseline document from here forward.

Mistake 02: You are not following a standard or repeatable process

Let’s assume that you have a process documented. When you execute the steps every day or week, you don’t strictly follow that process. Your documented process was a point-in-time snapshot and does not represent what you do.


If this is the case, the process you documented is dated and, at this point, useful only as a starting point.

You will need to repeat the documentation process for the key steps.

Once completed, you should ensure that you follow these documented steps. Do so each day that work is conducted.

On a weekly and monthly basis, audit your key steps against what has been documented. Make adjustments and enhancements along the way.

Mistake 03: Your current process hasn't proven valuable yet

You’ve got your documented process. You are also following it repeatedly without fail. Excellent work!

Are you making money?

Are you growing your following?

Is the process producing the results you intended?

If the answer is no, this is no time for technology automation. It’s time to pivot toward the goal of growing your business.


Focus on the changes you need to grow your business.

You may need to:

  • Speak to customers and listen
  • Use analytics to pinpoint challenges
  • Ensure that you are solving the right problem
  • Build a more substantial offer for your lead magnets or service
  • Review the hooks in your content to ensure they are effective

These are examples. The point here is to focus on your business.

Technology automation becomes essential once you are having success in your process.

Mistake 04: You can't say where you need the most help from technology automation

A common misstep when implementing a tech solution is understanding your needs. You should know which areas of your business process would benefit from automation.

Intelligent automation has matured significantly over the years. Advancements have been made that have incorporated several features. Examples are machine learning, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, vision systems, and integrations with other tools.

A few years ago, a business leader would focus on stable business processes to automate. In 2023, intelligent automation can handle complex tasks and live conversations with humans. The automation tech may require a "human-in-the-loop" when help is needed, but the sky is the limit.


Make time to understand the tech you are interested in before solving the problem. There are a myriad of directions that you can take as a business owner. Take the time to learn. Start on one area of your business.

The last step to consider is whether to use automation at all. Human interaction is an essential element in relationship building in business. Consider human interactions as a strategic benefit in your business processes.

Refrain from crushing your success with a robot if the process requires a human touch.

Mistake 05: You don't have the budget to deploy an automated system

I'm proud that you've made it this far. You are ready to deploy the best that technology has to offer. You will automate the right business processes for efficient growth.

As you step into the process of deploying the technology, remember that there is a cost.

There is a financial cost or time commitment to:

  • Setup the automation tool
  • Configure the tool for your unique process(es)
  • Conduct the monthly routines
  • Monitor the exceptions
  • Update the automation as changes are needed
  • Integrate with other tools in your tech stack

Were you ready for this?


The easiest option is to wait until it's possible.

Consider the triggers for your business that will hint when the time is right to invest. When the triggers show up, you can add the efficiency of intelligent automation.

Extra Mistake .5: You are afraid of missing out

ChatGPT and tech automation ain't going nowhere!

You are not missing out on the latest trends if it is not the right time to jump in. Give yourself and your business time to be ready for the tech.

In the meantime, explore tools and functionality you find exciting with personal projects.

Automate your routine at home with monthly budget tracking. Implement a new system for home automation. There are a ton of ways to learn without impacting your business operations.

Pro tip: Join communities to learn from other business owners. They can share their experiences with tech automation.

Your Homework: Do a self-assessment with these questions to determine your readiness. Where did you land?


  • If your business processes are not documented — or
  • If you are not following a standard or repeatable process — or
  • Your current process has not proven to be valuable — or
  • You can't say where technology is needed most — and/or
  • You cannot pay for or give time to the technology solution; wait to implement automation.

Next Steps: We will dive into the making of the Nick Sims brand and how to establish your visual brand