I'm on a journey to unlock freedom and fulfillment.

Nick Sims Headshot
The Why Behind My Founder's Vision

I started my “hustle harder” journey in 1989. Growing up in Detroit, Michigan, USA, my family was poor, but our house was full of love. I was driven to contribute to our household income. So, I turned my skills into a side hustle and offered my services to the neighborhood. I was 12 and considered myself a seasoned professional at lawn care and snow removal. I wasn’t that good, but I had the confidence.

So many people living in my neighborhood were struggling to live. Drug abuse, health disparities, homelessness, gang violence, and crime consumed many people. Not having a father in my life for long periods did not help.

I was the beneficiary of early investments in technology from my grandmother. She was employed by Bell South. She bought video games, computers, and the Internet at a time when almost no one in my neighborhood could afford those luxuries. That early access to emerging tech set off my love for engineering and innovation.

Growing up in a poor single-parent household in Detroit taught me survival and grit.

Years later, I experienced a significant reality check.

My paternal father, challenged from drug addiction, held a sign under a freeway in Detroit, near 8 Mile Rd and Woodward Avenue. The sign read, “Homeless...Need Food.”

From that moment on, I committed myself to self-improvement no matter how often I failed.

I was fearless with confidence until another major challenge confronted my family. In 2012, my youngest child was born with a heart defect. A few months later, I was also laid off from work. It was a devastating combo punch to for our family. We escaped bankruptcy through the goodwill of friends, family, and strangers.

There was no specific moment for our turnaround.

There was only a never-stop attitude in response to the challenges.

My process is simple.

Learn through personal development and allow myself the freedom to fail.

Failure became my opportunity to internalize lessons learned. After that, I had to innovate and increase the likelihood of succeeding the next time. I bend the odds of success in my favor.

There have been times when I have failed in my career, personal life, and starting businesses. Each time, though, I have learned to pivot and adapt to sharpen my approach. 

I'm an executive at a global Fortune 100 company and serial entrepreneur.

I continue to fail even faster.

  • I have an Executive MBA from Syracuse University.
  • I’m a member of the best fraternity on the planet, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
  • I advise senior executives at billon dollar companies to improve business results.
  • I advise founding CEOs of start-ups. (from stealth to Series A/B).
  • I have sold a company with a profitable exit.
  • I am an independent angel investor
  • I am an Executive Member of IT Senior Management Forum & 2023 Executive Academy Graduate.
  • I have turned side hustles into a career.
  • I continue to build new additional sources of income.
  • I am a member of Forbes BLK.

I am sharing everything I've learned.

I am here to help you achieve your goals, whether you are an entrepreneur or a corporate professional. I have a unique perspective on growth rooted in community accountability.

I will share my experiences on how to transform knowledge into sustainable wealth.

I will share resources that have worked for me. They help build assets that unlock freedom and fulfillment.

I am building a community of like-minded people who hold you accountable.

You will bend success in your favor.

I want to help 1000+ people make their first $1M.

I am building a community that supports each others growth. The goal for members is to grow to $1M+ net worth, break free from restraints, and achieve fulfillment in life.

Invest in other people for the future.

  • Small group accountability partners
  • Do It Together coaching
  • Build a portfolio of assets that support your growth (brand, audience, income streams)
  • Investment paths that align with your community

To do this, my bar for success is to help you achieve status as an accredited investor.

In the US, an accredited investor is anyone who meets one of the criteria below with the expectations of the same in future years:

  • Your Net Worth Exceeds $1M (not including primary residence)
  • Your Income Exceeds $200K (individual - each of last 2 years)
  • Your Income Exceeds $300K (joint with a spouse - each of the last 2 years)

If you attain this goal, the likelihood that you will achieve your life goals and be able to invest in future generations will dramatically increase.

You will also be eligible to invest in projects that may help you sustain your wealth.

It’s time to bend success in your favor and enjoy the life you deserve. Let’s do it together.

I write about my experiences in:

Personal Development

There is no better investment you can make than yourself. Discover your life’s purpose, map out your goals, and take steps toward daily growth.


Everyone has a brand. Are you truly managing it? Branding is more than updating your online presence. You will learn to manage your brand to tell your story.

Asset Stacking

Want to build wealth? Build a portfolio by asset stacking. You stack knowledge, relationships, an audience and income streams. Use them to return value to your life and your bank account.


You must make the mental adjustment toward never stopping, unwavering resilience, and consistency. Anything else will result in a lackluster performance.

Tools + Frameworks

There are many systems, frameworks, and tools that are proven to make life easier. Start from a position of power by implementing what works.

Business Growth

Mastering the elements of moneymaking is critical. Even after you gain traction, scaling the company can be even more challenging. We will tap into the secret: an accountable community & systems for growth.