3 Ways Young Professionals Can Boost Self-Confidence by Finding Their Strengths

3 Ways Young Professionals Can Boost Self-Confidence by Finding Their Strengths


Have you hit a wall that has left you at a crossroads with various options for your next move? Feel like you are stuck in quicksand?

Your life plans up to this point got you here. Now, you may question whether you made mistakes in prior decisions. It can feel like other people around you have life all figured out. And here you are, the only one who can't determine what to do next.

Staying in a rut without options can spiral your confidence downward. The longer you stay in this state, the more you feel you can not figure a way out of the situation. You should look for ways to take a positive next step in your life and return to working on your goals.

Everyone knows this, but look here; it is tough to do it. I know someone in this situation right now. I also know that this person needs a little jolt from someone or something to get back on track. Does this sound like it could be you, too? If you are already deep down a spiral of doubt, get help now. Getting professional help from a therapist is necessary. Make the call to normalize therapy right now.

You need to hear this. You are not alone. You are not the only person that has felt this way. You can and will find a way forward if you take the proper steps for yourself or get help finding your way. I've been here and found my way; you can and will do the same.

Your past successes will create the path to your future

Most people are more worthy of greatness than they give themselves credit for. Here is what we are going to cover to prove this true for you:

  • Acknowledge your successes; you should be proud
  • Refuel your mind with positive feedback
  • Don't repeat the past; try something new to unlock options

It's hard out here in these streets when you feel doubtful about the future. Every option feels like your plan "D" rather than a plan "A."

You know there is a better way forward, and I will show you one.

Here is precisely how you take the next best step forward.

Step 01: Acknowledge your successes; you will be proud

Do you think that you've gotten here by chance?


I'm not here by chance, and neither are you. You are here because you've had some wins and made solid decisions in the past. We've made it here because there have been wins.

I want you to reflect on your past experiences. Consider what activities you excelled in and enjoyed the most. Grab your phone to pull up some photos from the last 3-5 years and remember where you were then vs. now. Write down at least three areas in your life where you were struggling. Match that with what adjustments you made to get through it. Do whatever you must to realize that you have had some wins. Take a spin on the vision board concept for the future; do one for your past accomplishments. Here's how: Make a "past wins" vision board.

Step 02: Refuel your mind with positive feedback

Please don't do it. Most people will tell anyone with good advice how wrong they are, and nothing they say will work for them. Do you know why? You believe your situation is unique. You think none of these people can understand what you are going through.

Please, don't be that person. You need some help; it's time to admit that.

Everyone in life needs help. Intelligent people get as much help as they can afford. I know a few things or two. But hey, I would rather pay for expert advice while I ponder the options. Why should I waste time coming up with random ideas in an area where I could be an expert? I'm smart, but not that smart. Add smart people to your team.

Take good advice when it's offered to you. You are smart, so I know you'll make the right decision.

Open yourself to advice from trusted friends, therapists, mentors, managers, or spiritual advisors. You determine what makes the most sense for you, but trust that you have people around you that care. The obstacle is you. Drop the ego wall and get that positive feedback.

You deserve it.

Start here with a few opening questions:

  1. Tell me the top 3-5 traits or words that describe me.
  2. What top 3-5 things would you say I'm good at?
  3. What would you say if you were to give your 20-year-old self advice?
  4. If you could only give me one piece of advice to help me find my strengths, what would it be?

Before you move on to the next step, you must write down what you hear. Do not filter the feedback. Write it down as it is shared.

Step 03: Don't repeat the past; try something new to unlock options

You got a bit of that swagger back now, right?! Your past shows it.

You've heard some great things about yourself. Additionally, you have several suggestions on things you should try.

Now it's time to act. Take the advice.

There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the hardest step for you. Are you saying this to yourself? "I know they don't understand "my" situation, so none of this stuff will work for me." Do not fall into this trap.

Do what has been suggested anyway.

You are here because you need help to get the things you tried.

If you do the same as you have done before, what will you get?

The same results. That is insanity.

So, please try some new suggestions from people you have already validated who want to help you.

Do it to prove them wrong if you can't bring yourself to believe that it will help. Just do it.

I hope you will realize that the "act of doing" something different is where progress is made.

Every step you take may not yield the best results.

But the act of taking a step is positive. Learning from a mistake leads to a better outcome in the future.

And if you take that step, you are on life's journey.

High step into it, my friend.

Let's go!

Tweet from Nico Robin (One Piece)

Quote from Nico Robin

Expert Tip: Keep a journal of what works for you and what doesn't. Every suggestion will not work for you. That is okay. But what does work... it's now gold. Document it all in a tool (Notes App, Coda, Notion, iPad, Pen & Paper) that works for you.

Your Homework: Select the journaling tool that you will use. Start surfing your phone's photo history for clues from your past. Make a few notes right now.

I would love for you to share with me what worked for you and where you still need help. You are not alone.

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3 Ways Young Professionals Can Boost Self-Confidence by Finding Their Strengths

3 Ways Young Professionals Can Boost Self-Confidence by Finding Their Strengths


Have you hit a wall that has left you at a crossroads with various options for your next move? Feel like you are stuck in quicksand?

Your life plans up to this point got you here. Now, you may question whether you made mistakes in prior decisions. It can feel like other people around you have life all figured out. And here you are, the only one who can't determine what to do next.

Staying in a rut without options can spiral your confidence downward. The longer you stay in this state, the more you feel you can not figure a way out of the situation. You should look for ways to take a positive next step in your life and return to working on your goals.

Everyone knows this, but look here; it is tough to do it. I know someone in this situation right now. I also know that this person needs a little jolt from someone or something to get back on track. Does this sound like it could be you, too? If you are already deep down a spiral of doubt, get help now. Getting professional help from a therapist is necessary. Make the call to normalize therapy right now.

You need to hear this. You are not alone. You are not the only person that has felt this way. You can and will find a way forward if you take the proper steps for yourself or get help finding your way. I've been here and found my way; you can and will do the same.

Your past successes will create the path to your future

Most people are more worthy of greatness than they give themselves credit for. Here is what we are going to cover to prove this true for you:

  • Acknowledge your successes; you should be proud
  • Refuel your mind with positive feedback
  • Don't repeat the past; try something new to unlock options

It's hard out here in these streets when you feel doubtful about the future. Every option feels like your plan "D" rather than a plan "A."

You know there is a better way forward, and I will show you one.

Here is precisely how you take the next best step forward.

Step 01: Acknowledge your successes; you will be proud

Do you think that you've gotten here by chance?


I'm not here by chance, and neither are you. You are here because you've had some wins and made solid decisions in the past. We've made it here because there have been wins.

I want you to reflect on your past experiences. Consider what activities you excelled in and enjoyed the most. Grab your phone to pull up some photos from the last 3-5 years and remember where you were then vs. now. Write down at least three areas in your life where you were struggling. Match that with what adjustments you made to get through it. Do whatever you must to realize that you have had some wins. Take a spin on the vision board concept for the future; do one for your past accomplishments. Here's how: Make a "past wins" vision board.

Step 02: Refuel your mind with positive feedback

Please don't do it. Most people will tell anyone with good advice how wrong they are, and nothing they say will work for them. Do you know why? You believe your situation is unique. You think none of these people can understand what you are going through.

Please, don't be that person. You need some help; it's time to admit that.

Everyone in life needs help. Intelligent people get as much help as they can afford. I know a few things or two. But hey, I would rather pay for expert advice while I ponder the options. Why should I waste time coming up with random ideas in an area where I could be an expert? I'm smart, but not that smart. Add smart people to your team.

Take good advice when it's offered to you. You are smart, so I know you'll make the right decision.

Open yourself to advice from trusted friends, therapists, mentors, managers, or spiritual advisors. You determine what makes the most sense for you, but trust that you have people around you that care. The obstacle is you. Drop the ego wall and get that positive feedback.

You deserve it.

Start here with a few opening questions:

  1. Tell me the top 3-5 traits or words that describe me.
  2. What top 3-5 things would you say I'm good at?
  3. What would you say if you were to give your 20-year-old self advice?
  4. If you could only give me one piece of advice to help me find my strengths, what would it be?

Before you move on to the next step, you must write down what you hear. Do not filter the feedback. Write it down as it is shared.

Step 03: Don't repeat the past; try something new to unlock options

You got a bit of that swagger back now, right?! Your past shows it.

You've heard some great things about yourself. Additionally, you have several suggestions on things you should try.

Now it's time to act. Take the advice.

There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the hardest step for you. Are you saying this to yourself? "I know they don't understand "my" situation, so none of this stuff will work for me." Do not fall into this trap.

Do what has been suggested anyway.

You are here because you need help to get the things you tried.

If you do the same as you have done before, what will you get?

The same results. That is insanity.

So, please try some new suggestions from people you have already validated who want to help you.

Do it to prove them wrong if you can't bring yourself to believe that it will help. Just do it.

I hope you will realize that the "act of doing" something different is where progress is made.

Every step you take may not yield the best results.

But the act of taking a step is positive. Learning from a mistake leads to a better outcome in the future.

And if you take that step, you are on life's journey.

High step into it, my friend.

Let's go!

Tweet from Nico Robin (One Piece)

Quote from Nico Robin

Expert Tip: Keep a journal of what works for you and what doesn't. Every suggestion will not work for you. That is okay. But what does work... it's now gold. Document it all in a tool (Notes App, Coda, Notion, iPad, Pen & Paper) that works for you.

Your Homework: Select the journaling tool that you will use. Start surfing your phone's photo history for clues from your past. Make a few notes right now.

I would love for you to share with me what worked for you and where you still need help. You are not alone.